Geek News


Sunday, June 15, 2008


Well, I finally created my first blog. Not sure how it will go- currently I am neck deep in 3 very large projects for my job- so my posting habits may be varied. Hopefully, I will be able to keep up and bullshit about the things I like and hate.

I am currently also working on a Podcast with two of my friends. The site is if your interested. It centers around anything that is geeky. There is no show as of this date, but we are very close to getting that done. We are working on how to record the podcast with two macs and a win pc. Skype is okay with 2 people, but it gets sorta garbly with three. As soon as that is worked out, the first show will be out.

I was cleaning up my bookmarks in Firefox as I was repairing a friends laptop (the pitfall of knowing your way around a PC). I was actually trying to re-organize them. I haven't figured out the best way yet- just sub folders withing folders, but I figure there has to be a better way - maybe I'm too lazy to think of a proper directory listing that makes sense. I want to just get to my links easy enough, but also keep it somewhat clean. Ah well, I'll just keep refining it as I go.

A quick shout out to GOOGLE Browser Sync- a must have, can't live without, add-on for Firefox. This add-on syncs your bookmarks to your Google Email account and updates it to all your other Firefox browsers with the add-on. It is OSM, works in the background and is spot on! Speaking of must have add-ons (I'll write up a separate post on this later come to think of it), there is an add-on I can't live without called Super DragAndGo. This little gem lets you open new web pages or tabs (however you have Firefox setup- I do Tabs) by simply dragging the link and dropping it anywhere on the page. Sounds dumb, I know, but it beats right clicking a link and selecting open in new tab or new window. It is way convenient and once you use it, you'll never get used to the right click feature that Safari or IE offers.

Well, it looks like I finally got the laptop up to speed. All updated, start up is slimmed down, and I removed the ContraVirus adware as well (I really do hate those things). Now I'll go play me some MGS 4- very good game for the Playstation 3. If you have the console- you most likely have this game- it lives up to the hype. For those of you who don't have the PS3, this is the game to get with the console, at least until Little Big Planet comes out.


1 comment:

Swinebread said...

Welcome to the show!